Happy New Year Everyone - We are ready to go!

All You Read Is Love - Bloom Easter Workshop

All You Read Is Love - Bloom Easter Workshop

Firstly I'm slightly embarrassed that my last blog was back in October.  Trying to keep 2 young children entertained and setting up my first year in business is certainly keeping me on my toes.  Lots has happened since my last scribe.

I have been busy quoting for weddings/events for this year and next, working on Pride of Sports Awards, The Ultimate Pop Quiz Event, Christmas Wreaths, Valentines Day, Mothers day, the usual weekly deliveries and I also hosted my first workshop class last night.  

I had 6 lovely ladies with me who made an easter jar and a festival flower crown.  The night was part of the Make E11 craft workshop evenings which are held bi-monthly at 'All you read is love' cafe in leytonstone.  There were lots of crafts taking place, clay, flowers, wood press, jewellery making, felt making and natural egg decoration.

The venue is perfect, intimate and relaxed, serving nibbles and drinks as everyone gets in touch with their creative side.  My floral crew took on board the hints and tips given out and came up with some amazing designs.  I really wanted people to feel that they decided what colours, style and textures they wanted to go with, which is quite difficult to do when you have limited amount of flowers, however everyone seemed to come up with different ideas. 

I would love to do more workshops and would be interested to know what people would like to learn at my next one which will be in May - more details to follow once confirmed.  Here are a few pictures of the night.  Feel free to get in touch if you are interested in any of the craft workshops.

Thanks to kirstie who took some lovely photos and stamp-labelled everyones jar up and thanks to caroline who got handy with the foliage, soibhan for organising and thanks again to the ladies that booked with me.